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Site content and use of web catalogues - Гугль о каталогах и прочем актуальном.

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Site content and use of web catalogues

Sites with more content can have more opportunities to rank well in Google. It makes sense that having more pages of good content represent more chances to rank in search engine result pages (SERPs). Some SEOs however, do not focus on the user’s needs, but instead create pages solely for search engines. This approach is based on the false assumption that increasing the volume of web pages with random, irrelevant content is a good long-term strategy for a site. These techniques are usually accomplished by abusing qlweb style catalogues or by scraping content from sources known for good, valid content, like Wikipedia or the Open Directory Project.

These methods violate Google's webmaster guidelines. Purely scraped content, even from high quality sources, does not provide any added value to your users. It's worthwhile to take the time to create original content that sets your site apart. This will keep your visitors coming back and will provide useful search results.

In order to provide best results possible to our Polish and non-Polish users, Google continues to improve its algorithms for validating web content.

Google is willing to take action against domains that try to rank more highly by just showing scraped or other autogenerated pages that don't add any value to users. Companies, webmasters, and domain owners who consider SEO consultation should take care not to spend time on methods which will not have worthwhile long-term results. Choosing the right SEO consultant requires in-depth background research, and their reputation and past work should be important factors in your decision.

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